Monday, June 29, 2009


RP Embassy in Abuja Celebrates 111th Anniversary of Philippine Independence
June 26, 2009 by DFA-PISU

PR-471-09, 26 June 2009 – The Philippine Embassy in Abuja hosted a reception to celebrate the 111th Anniversary of Philippine Independence on June 11 at the Sheraton Hotel Abuja.
Charge d’ Affaires, a.i. of the Philippine Embassy in Abuja Alex V. Lamadrid reported to Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alberto G. Romulo that more than 300 guests attended the reception including members of the Filipino community, Nigerian officials, foreign diplomats, and Nigerian business people and other friends of the Philippines.
CDA Lamadrid read the message of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. A cultural presentation of Philippine songs and dances was performed by Embassy personnel and members of the Filipino community in Abuja.
Philippines-Nigeria cultural cooperation was highlighted by the participation of the Abuja Capital International College (ACIC) Orchestra, which rendered the Philippine National Anthem, Nigerian National Anthem and Philippine Folk and contemporary songs. An all-night ballroom dancing capped the program.
On 12 June, a holy mass was officiated by Msgr. Jean-Sylvian Emien Mambé at the Embassy of the Holy See, Apostolic Nunciature. The Filipino community attended the mass, led by CDA Lamadrid and the four Filipino nuns working in the Nunciature.
After the mass, a flag-raising ceremony was held at the Embassy compound. Embassy staff and personnel together with their families, the Filipino community, and the 27 stranded Filipino seafarers in Abuja joined in singing the National Anthem and reciting the pledge of allegiance. The Embassy hosted a breakfast after the flag ceremony.
On 14 June, a salu-salo fund-raising for the benefit of the 27 seafarers, organized by the Migrants Team in cooperation with the Filipino community in Abuja, was held at the Embassy compound.
On June 17, CDA Lamadrid, together with Trade Assistant Rose Akah, gave a live interview with Africa Business Channel at the African International Television (AIT) Network with host Nancy Illoh in her “Money Show” program.
In the interview, CDA Lamadrid discussed Philippines-Nigeria economic relations. He and Ms. Akah introduced various Philippine products for promotion in the Nigerian market and encouraged the attendance of business people to both countries’ international trade fairs, as well as expounded on investment opportunities in the Philippines. END