Monday, February 2, 2009


Another news item that would make the OFWs from the 'Travel Ban'ned countries shout in exasperation!

Jobless told to enlist on govt website
First Posted 11:22:00 01/31/2009

Filed Under: Employment, World Financial Crisis
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Other Most Read StoriesxClose thisMANILA, Philippines -- Workers here and abroad who have been laid off as a result of the global financial crisis are encouraged to sign up with the labor department’s Phil-Jobnet job search website.
Also available at the labor department’s website, the site provides “a convenient, readily available job search service” 24/7.

In a statement, Labor Secretary Marianito Roque said the Phil-Jobnet system currently lists more than 46,300 various jobs available.
Under the Bureau of Local Employment, the Phil-Jobnet system is complemented by the 100 user-friendly GMA (Greater Modular Access) Job Center kiosks in shopping malls and city and town halls, he said.
Roque said the strategy seeks to reinforce the department’s efforts “to preserve and sustain job opportunities amidst the global crisis in cooperation with the social partners.”

BLE director Criselda Sy said most of the workstations are available in the country’s Public Employment Service Offices (PESO) network.
“As available in the PESOs in locations where Internet is available, trained PESO personnel can assist and orient users in accessing and availing of the services of the Phil-Jobnet system in such workstations,” she said.
“But displaced workers may readily access the Phil-Jobnet using any Internet-connected computers whether at worksites, at home, or in public computer shops,” she added

At the same time, Deputy Administrator Teresita Manzala, who heads the department’s National Reintegration Center for Overseas Filipino Workers (NRCO), advised displaced overseas Filipino workers to avail of the free services and pertinent programs geared at assisting them.
Manzala said that under the NRCO’s One-Stop Center, pertinent agencies have made available a package of assistance and services for the benefit of OFWs.
The NRCO chief said that the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration-NRCO (tel. nos. 528-0848, 526-2633, 526-2392) provides active livelihood support, counseling, and guidance to displaced OFWs.

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