To: all OFWs: please revisit 'DOLE : 22-Point Labor and Employment Agenda'
Yes, the present administration need to be reminded of its promise to audit OWWA.
OFWs hang on to the premise/promise of this administration's transparency. Afterall, OFWs remittances is the strongest pillar of the nation's economy.
OFW group demands promised audit of OWWA funds
By Jerome Aning
Philippine Daily Inquirer
MANILA, Philippines — Whatever happened to President Aquino's promise to audit the funds of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration?
Migrante-Middle East, an alliance of overseas Filipino workers in the region, asked this question on Tuesday as it demanded a thorough and transparent auditing of OWWA funds, estimated between P10 billion and P12 billion, held in trust by the agency.
John Leonard Monterona, Migrante-Mideast regional coordinator, said the audit of the OWWA fund was promised by Aquino in the 22-point labor and employment agenda that he issued when he assumed the presidency.
Ten out of the 22-point agenda pertained to OFWs. Monterona referred to item No. 11 on the agenda, which states: “Audit the OWWA to rationalize the management of its funds, in terms of the benefits provided as well as how the funds are invested.”
The alleged misuse of the OWWA funds cropped up several times during the previous administration. Most of the accusations pertained to the use of funds for political campaigns. There were also allegations of unaudited expenses for the mass evacuations of distressed OFWs.
The OWWA funds come from the compulsory collection of $25 membership fees from all deployed OFWs. Under the regulations, the membership fee should be paid by the foreign employer, but OFWs often end up paying the fees prior to their departure.
“Barely more than a month till his 100 days in office, we haven''t heard anything from President Aquino’s labor honchos about the status of the above-cited labor agenda which is of particular interest to us---the millions of OFWs abroad—amid the scarcity or practically inadequate programs and welfare services to OFWs and their dependents,” Monterona said.
He pointed out that the OFWs trust fund continues to grow with 3,800 OFWs deployed daily, citing government statistics. He added that the fund could have reached as much as P12.8 billion by now.
“If the trust fund is growing, the OWWA should be coming up with sufficient programs and welfare services to cater the needs of OFWs on-site and their dependents back home. However, the numerous OWWA programs and services were stopped when its omnibus policies were implemented during the Arroyo administration,” Monterona said.
He said the auditing of the OWWA funds should be joined and witnessed by representatives of various OFWs groups in the name of transparency.
“Open disclosure of the status of the OWWA funds, owned by the OFWs themselves, is also demanded,” the Saudi Arabia-based OFW leader added in a statement e-mailed to news media.
He also recalled the memorandum recently issued by the President instructing government agencies to develop their respective medium-term development economic programs.
“We will welcome if our group and various OFWs organizations will be consulted as it is necessary so that more responsive and doable programs and services could be crafted based on OFWs actual and prevailing needs and concerns,” he said.