Friday, December 12, 2008


Here are more pictures during the Christmas Party held on the 7th of December in the Philippine embassy compound:
Ang Charge d' Affaire of the Philippine Embassy in his Opening Remarks

Sheen and Julius Carranza, daughter and brother of Lolit Victorio

Si Ampy (of Italian Embassy) with hubby Sim Ronquillo and Bernie (aka Tikboy, the immediate past president of Pusong Pinoy) enjoying the show.

Si Benjie Nadado (Vice-President) Feliza Ramos (with the Consular Section of the Phil. Embassy) and Vangie Novio (Secretary Board of Trustees Pusong Pinoy and current Auditor)

Si Espy (a Niger wife) and sister Salve (with the Philippine Embassy) and husband Antonio Santos (past president of Pusong Pinoy and working at JBN)

And the dance troupe....

Nonito, John, Kathy and Ottie
teaching the wife of the Consul our
'famous' L A Walk'

Ace Mendoza (Sarplast), Richard Molato, Jay, and Nonito

Maribelle (a doctor in the National Hospital and a Niger wife) and other Niger wives

Grace Abrazado (came in 1981 and became a Niger wife, now with the International School), with Sr. Res, Yoly (wife of Mang Maty of the Phil. embassy), Mercy and Brenda (Phil. Embassy staff)

the pretty young pinays...

Maebs Mercado (ang bunso ng JBN) with Pare Erwin Herrera

...the 'mixed blessings'....

All photos - courtesy of Dorothy Barraquias.

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